Q&A Interview Series with Margaret

Interview I: How did you come to write this book? How did the characters arise? Why use multiple narrators?

Interview II: Why is it important to write about slavery when it’s so far in the past? Have you been criticized because you are a white woman writing about slavery?

Interview III:What is the importance of West African spirituality in the book?

Interview IV: Talk about why you included photographs in the book?

Interview V: Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?



“A Word on Words” with John Siegenthaler, Nashville Public Television, Feb. 16, 2014

“Everyone in America ought to read this book. . . . It’s a fascinating story. . .and it’s wonderfully well written. . . . Buy this book today. ”
“Imus in the Morning,” Dec. 10, 2013

Sirius Radio, The Bob Edwards Show, Dec. 3, 2013

KNEW, San Francisco, California: “Conversations on the Coast”

KWMR, Pt. Reyes, California: “The Place We Live”

KSFR Santa Fe, NM Radio


Click here for a pdf of “A Conversation with Margaret Wrinkle.”
